Husband first time gay sex stories

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His friend then teaches him the meaning of true friendship. (m/dog, beast, 1st, mast)Ī Boy And His Mother - by Primmrose - A boy spends the night at his Best friend's house and has a brief lesson in ecstasy with his friend's mother. Guess what? (Mm, ped, 1st-gay-expr, mast, oral, anal, cd, alcohol)Ī Boy And His Dog - by Drew - A short story about a boy's masturbation experiences with the family dog. One evening he is riding his bicycle bare-chested wearing bobby socks and loose baggy shorts and a hard prick when a man offers him a ride in his convertible. (mm-teens, 1st-gay-expr, inc, rom)Ī Boy Among Men - by Jones - The boy is small and slender with long blond hair and blue eyes. (M+/M, gang-rape)Ģ-D - by Alex Hawk - A pair of brothers visit the Virgin Islands and find out they like looking at the scenery there less than they like looking at each other. Click here!Ī Nifty Gay Resourse To Get Your Rocks Offġ21st Street - Turbo - Clint takes a business trip to New York and gets into trouble. If you're having problems accessing the stories on this page. If you find a broken link, please help us by reporting it to: The Staff The Kristen Archives are a free erotic story resource for consenting adults.

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The Kristen Archives - Just Gay and Bi-sexual Stories

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